Monday, January 18, 2010

What Should I do? My woman got hair perm and the stylist over process her hair .?

Her hair started to shed bad and it's weak. She have been going to her for 8 years. what should I tell her.What Should I do? My woman got hair perm and the stylist over process her hair .?
You're a red-necked pervert to call your wife your 'woman'.What Should I do? My woman got hair perm and the stylist over process her hair .?
that you love her anyway. other than that-you can't do squat
There is not much she can do.

Get regular trims, but take a little more off instead of 1/4 inch take like 1/2 inch to an inch.

Weekly hot oil treatments

avoid to much blow drying and curl irons.

Even though she has been going to her stylist for 8 years she should speak to her about the perm, perhaps even ask for a refund if she feels she wants to ask for one.
Not to go there again except to get her money back.

Below is a link on how to get rid of a bad perm. Good luck.


How to Rid Yourself of a Bad Perm

Whether you permed your own hair, went to a stylist, or had your (ex-) friend do it for you, a perm gone bad can be a major headache. Fortunately, I have some advice that should help rid you of the perm and keep your friend.


Gather together the items listed in ';Things You'll Need.';

With your head over a garbage can, sink, or tub, apply enough canola oil to thoroughly soak your hair from root to tip.

Wrap your hair completely with a plastic bag or plastic wrap.

Wrap the plastic with a towel so it will retain the heat and hopefully prevent any oil from dripping.

You'll need to leave the oil on your hair for an hour or two, so grab a book or surf the web while you wait.

After at least an hour, jump in the shower and rinse your hair completely. It will take a while to get all the oil out, and you may need to use a gentle shampoo to help loosen it up.

Lather your hair up with conditioner and let it sit for about two minutes, rinse and repeat.

You'll need to follow this regimen for at least a week. Generally this will loosen up the perm. If, however, after the week is up, it's still too permed for your taste, you may need to consult a stylist to find out other options. But even if it doesn't rid you of your perm, your hair will be very moisturized for a while.


Use the plastic grocery bags if you have them. Garbage bags are usually too bulky and it's probably not the best idea to wrestle with plastic wrap while you're covered in oil.


Avoid using chemical relaxers if at all possible. Especially during the first week after a perm, your hair will pretty much be in shock, and anything else you put on it will likely only damage it further.

Use common sense; don't smother yourself with the plastic or your bad perm won't matter that much.

Things You'll Need

A bad perm

A large bottle of conditioner for permed or color treated hair

Garbage bags, plastic wrap, or plastic grocery sacks

Canola oil


An hour or two of free time
try to tell her POLITELY that it's kinda weak and bad or tell her how she feels about it I'm sure she thinks it's also bad, but if that doesn't work try tell her if she can have hairstyle.

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